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 What Are Parents Saying

We hired Maxeen as the Child Care Provider in 1998 and 2000 for 2 months. Maxeen is a Baby Nurse, leader and the true definition of a trusted advisor and friend in Childcare.


I am hoping that one of these  days,  Maxeen will write a book! Maxeen Challenges and teaches you to be the best that you can be, which benefits everyone in the end, especially the babies and their families. Maxeen is skilled in taking parents to the next level and staying calm at all times, which, not a lot of people know how to do, Maxeen displays a calm spirit at all times, vibrant, knowledgeable, being focus, observant and patience, her Professionalism is of uttermost importance.


She leaves behind, a wonderful and happy well loved baby, we never know that we could do it alone, she correspond with us to this day after two children. We truly Love Maxeen and did not hesitate to call her as soon as we know that we were pregnant with our #2 baby, the confidence that she leave with us, after she leave, has become a part of our day to day life, scheduling was used in order for us to have kept a happy home and a wonderful family life, often time we would go out with our children for dinners, to movies, and parties with friends knowing that we have great sleepers and wonderful children.


We made a pledge that, Maxeen will always be a part of our family and our babies (now teenagers) will definitely know her and their aunt Maxeen.  Our kids, who are now 16 years old and 14 years still maintain a great relationship with Maxeen. We will not hesitate to give reference for Maxeen as to how wonderful she really is and not to mention trustworthy.


Jill and Steve, NY.



Amy hired you as a Child Care Provider in 2009 Top qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity “She knows twins better than any baby nurse, night nanny or doula, around. And we looked! She worked without a break (although we insisted, she declined.) She helped us through those bleary, hazy days of newborns and we were a better family for it!”


Amy (Gemellaro) Jasmer (Client)  Aug-Oct 10. 2009



Erin Becker hired Maxeen as a Child Care Provider in 2019, her top qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity “Maxeen is absolutely amazing. She was the Baby Nurse for both of our little ones (now 5 & 3). She loves what she does, provides tons of love to the babies and provides real relief/guidance to the parents. Equally important, she provides a roadmap for the parents after she leaves (although no one can replicate her swaddle wrap). We never miss a chance to reconnect with Maxeen when she is in town.”


Erin Becker (Client)January 18, 2019



Darcy hired you as a Child Care Provider in 2006 and hired you more than once Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, Good Value “Maxeen was the baby nurse for all three of our children, and I can't say enough great things about her. She was INCREDIBLY knowledgeable and helped the transition from pregnancy to motherhood go off without a hitch. Most importantly, Maxeen was insistent that we create good habits from the get go, so that we were not trying to undo things later. This was an absolute godsend because, when it was time for her to go, our babies were on completely manageable schedules. All three of our children are wonderful sleepers, and we attribute that to Maxeen's guidance in the first month of their lives. She's also a wonderful presence to have in your home in the early days when all you want is peace and harmony. If we ever had another child, Maxeen would be one of my first calls!”


Darcy Cobb(Client) February 7, 2012



Lauren hired you as a Child Care Provider in 2006 Top qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity “Maxeen was a wonderful baby nurse and was a great help to our family.”


Lauren Harnischfeger(Client)February 7, 2012




Jessie hired you as a Child Care Provider in 2007 Top qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity “I hired Maxeen as a baby nurse for the first several weeks out of the hospital. She made the transition to parenthood essentially seamless and as stress free as is humanly possible. She took the guess work out of everything, established a schedule, and gave us time to rest and relaxes. She is unbelievable with babies and with parents. She is not only experienced but she is lovely to have around. Highly recommend.”


Jessie Colby Harris(Client)February 7, 2012



Nancy hired you as a Baby Nurse in 2005 Top qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity “Maxeen is an expert in the field of baby nursing and baby care. We hired Maxeen as a baby nurse for our third child, and planned to employ her for 2 weeks. She stayed in our employ for a total of 11 weeks! She is wonderful with babies and has a fantastic knowledge base. We really enjoyed working with her through a challenging period with two very small children and a new baby. In addition to being highly competent, she also loves babies and children. We would highly recommend Maxeen to anyone seeking a baby nurse. Nancy Armstrong”


Nancy Armstrong(Client) February 7, 2012



To Whom It May Concern, I would like to offer this brief letter in support of Maxeen Campbell and testament to her skills as a baby nurse. Mike and I have known Maxeen for over 5 years. We hired Maxeen as our baby nurse directly following the birth of our first child Carter (5) and then again after the birth of our daughter Morgan (3). Over the years we have developed a deep friendship with Maxeen, referring her many times over to close friends and visiting her whenever she is in town with other families. Maxeen has exceptional intuition with infants and as new parents, walked us through the first few weeks of swaddling, feeding, burping and caring for our newborn. Her help during this adjustment period certainly took strain off Mike and me, and set us on the path to enjoying the wonder of these early months. Maxeen truly loved each of our children – it was outwardly apparent in the way she held them and talked to them, and in how she continued to keep tabs on each of them even after she had left our family to join another. One of the most valuable things that Maxeen helped us to establish with both of our children was a sleep schedule. She was diligent in creating a predictable feeding and sleeping pattern around the clock. By the time Maxeen left our family, both of our children were sleeping for long stretches of the night. Both of our children continue to be good sleepers and self-soothers, qualities we attribute to these early weeks with Maxeen. Maxeen was a loving, supportive and knowledgeable addition to our nuclear family during these precious times and we will continue to wholeheartedly recommend her to our friends and whomever needs her services.


Kendra and Mike LaSalle 

December 31, 2011



April 6, 2014 1:21 PM

Kristen O'Donnell has recommended your work as Baby Nurse/Childcare/Sleep Specialist and Owner of at Baby Nurse International.

Dear Maxeen .V. Campbell, I've written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users.Details of the Recommendation:

"I just read all of Maxeen's recommendations from her other clients, to make sure I wasn't repeating everything that's been already said. What a passionate group, and there are many reasons why: Maxeen is a great communicator, a fabulous teacher, gentle, patient, and has amazing stamina. With a difficult pregnancy, 2 months of bed rest, a near-fatal delivery, and our closest family members over 2500 miles away, Maxeen was our angel. Not only did she arrive on time, she had her bag away, scrubs on, and

was sending me to bed within 5 minutes, holding both my babies in her very capable hands. At the five week mark, she trained my newly arriving mother-in-law to take over where she was leaving off, so that I didn't have to. She not only trained our babies to eat and sleep at specific intervals, but she trained me to function effectively on that schedule, and look for signs to adjust the

schedule as they matured. Our twins were sleeping 6+ hours overnight by the time they were 8 weeks old, thanks to Maxeen, who taught us everything from bathing to swaddling, correct burping procedures, handling reflux, baby massage, and even figuring

out how to go about the daily routine with twins in tow. There's so much more, too, and I could go on and on. What did we know about babies before Maxeen? Nothing! But we did know how to research the best baby nurse for our twins, and with that skill, a little luck, and planning ahead, we got her. With Maxeen's fearless guidance, we were confident parents by the time she left us;

one of the saddest days of my life! This perfect stranger has turned into one of the greatest blessings of our lives. Every time we

go check on our soundly sleeping 5 year olds, we still say a quiet "thank you" to Maxeen for laying this amazing parenting groundwork. Maxeen would be my first call if I ever found myself needing a baby nurse again." Service Category: Child Care Provider Year first hired: 2009 April Qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity

Kristen O'Donnell Realtor/Broker



 Rhoda Lau has recommended you on LinkedIn


February 29, 2012 1:33 AM



Rhoda Longhenry
Partner at True

Maxeen is great! As first time parents, we were nervous and Maxeen showed us the ropes. Our son was sleeping through the night by 5 months due to the good sleep habits Maxeen instilled in our baby on day one.

Rhoda Longhenry




Kelly Carter has recommended you on LinkedIn

February 28, 2012 9:14 PM


Kelly Carter has recommended your work as Baby Nurse and Owner at Baby Nurse International.

This recommendation is visible in your profile.

Dear Maxeen .V.,
I've written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users.
Details of the Recommendation: "Maxeen is the best baby nurse out there! She creates a relaxing environment during an ordinarily stressful time. No one will know the needs of your baby better than Maxeen." 
Service Category: Baby Nurse
Year first hired: 2010
Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert

Kelly Carter Marketing Client Services






Delroy Barnes has recommended you on LinkedIn

April 10, 2014 10:52 AM


Delroy Barnes has recommended your work as a Baby Nurse/Childcare/Sleep Specialist and Owner of at Baby Nurse International.

Dear Maxeen .V.,
I've written this recommendation of your work to share with other LinkedIn users.

Details of the Recommendation: "Working together with Maxeen has been a delight. Maxeen possesses a unique control that defuses any tension. Her mind works fast, her mannerism and manner of speaking project a superior intelligence. I'm sure our continued business relationship will expand our borders." 

Delroy Barnes Professional Sales & Marketing,

Account Management, Billing Analyst, Client Development, Leader.

A Reference Letter for Maxeen Campbell

                                                                                           To Whom it May Concern
I was fortunate enough to be having lunch in 2009 with a colleague who was planning my baby moon to Italy. He asked if my husband and I had a baby nurse lined up, and I laughingly responded that we didn’t need one. Not only did he insist that we get one and assure me that it would be the best money we ever spent, but he insisted that we hire Maxeen Campbell who had taken care of both of his children as babies. Fortunately for us, Maxeen was available and we hired her to stay with us for 6 weeks. We loved her so much that she was the first call we made 2 years later when we found out we were having another baby. Here’s what she did for us both times: • Taught us how to feed, clean and care for the baby • Put us and our baby on a schedule • Sleep trained both of our babies so that they were sleeping through the night at 7 weeks old – BOTH! • Made us laugh • Stayed out of our way so that we forgot she was even there half the time • Allowed us to get several hours of sleep (we even snuck out on several date nights because she wanted to make sure our marriage wasn’t all about the baby) • Allowed me to get my body and sanity back so that I wasn’t the sleep deprived, hormonal mess my friends had been With our without her, we were going to be parents of these two children. The difference is that with her, we were able to enjoy the time, get one-on-one instruction and advice, and find our way with a soft-spoken yet confident expert guiding us. Maxeen is special. We are so lucky to have been introduced to her. All of our friends ended up using her and felt just as lucky as we did. Please feel free to phone us if you have additional questions. If you are lucky enough to fit into her schedule, you will be so grateful you hired her. We loved having her help and remain very close to her today.

Best Stephanie Goldsmith

To whom it may concern:


My husband and I hired Maxeen Campbell as our baby nurse after the births of all three of our children. We could not have been happier with all the education and assistance we received each and every time. 


Maxeen has decades of experience. She is professional, knowledgable and kind. We felt completely confident with her caregiving and her presence was a breath of fresh air in our household. 


She took wonderful care of our children. She is very maternal and has a way with babies you rarely find. We could tell immediately how much she loved our kids and the pride she took in her profession. Maxeen was always eager to help, even when my anxiety felt overwhelming with the birth of my first child. She understood my fears and was able to quell them, so much so that my second and third births were not anxiety provoking at all. 


Not only did she do many of our night feeds on her own, she also made sure the babies were burped with their stomachs' settled before putting them back down. We believe her assistance led to our children being phenomenal night sleepers. They were sleeping 12 hours a night at six weeks which was invaluable to us. 


Maxeen took care of all the day to day for the baby, including keeping the babies' schedules for eating and napping, doing all the laundry, and bathing the babies. She took impeccable care of our newborn, but she also took on care for our 3 and 4 year old as well. My husband and I left for a five day get away and Maxeen took care of them all on her own. I would have been terrified to leave if they were in the care of anyone else. They loved it and they love her. We regularly speak about how much we miss Max to this day. 


I recommend Maxeen to any one of my friends or acquaintances with full confidence that they will find her as wonderful as we did. I consider any client of hers to be very fortunate.



Rebecca Mullin


Rebecca Mullin / Partner
CalBRE: 02030507

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